SFA Satellite Offices

Professional and graduate students may ask financial aid questions or request additional information:

  • Via email at sfa-help@mail.ufl.edu
  • Professional and certain graduate students may contact the satellite office representatives designated in the “Satellite Office” section below.

College of Dentistry

Rebecca Driggers
Dental Sciences Building, D3-5, Office of Admissions
(352) 273-5999, fax: (352) 846-0311 and
Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, Room D3-30D

College of Law

Vernon Wright
Bruton-Geer Hall, Suite 147B
(352) 273-0628, fax: (352) 392-2861

College of Medicine

Bill Barnes
Harrell Medical Education Building, Room 142
(352) 273-5571

College of Pharmacy

Sheila Simpson
G208 Student Services Center
HPNP Building, 1225 Center Dr.
(352) 273-6202; fax: (352) 273-6219

College of Veterinary Medicine

Kathy Johnson
Veterinary Academic Building/Room V1-100E
(352) 294-4058
Fax (352) 392-8351

MBA/Graduate Business

Connie Reed
203 Hough Hall
(352) 273-4960

Sophie Belloli
210-A Hough Hall
(352) 273-4961

College of Public Health &
Health Professions
College of Nursing

Joanne Kreinbihl
G206 Student Services Center
HPNP Bldg., 1225 Newell Drive
(352) 273-6115

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Email Policy

Please Note: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to the University. Instead, contact the specific office or individual by phone or in writing.

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