Financial wellness
Financial wellness is the ability to have a healthy financial life.
Financial wellness allows you to:
- have control over day-to-day and month-to-month finances;
- have the capacity to absorb an emergency or financial crisis;
- are on track to meet your financial goals; and
- have the financial freedom to make the choices that allow you to enjoy life.

January • #GatorsChompChange
Financial Wellness Presentations
Financially Fit
Presentation about financial wellness, money management, financial protection, and preparing for the future.
View Financial Fit on YouTube
Bougie on a Budget
Presentation about finding ways to enjoy the good life while budgeting your student finances.
View Bougie on a Budget on YouTube
Cooking on a Budget
Watch UF’s Field and Fork Campus Food Program cooking demonstration when available, find cooking tips, recipes, resources and more at Cooking on a Budget.
Financial Wellness Tools and Information
Budgeting Tips
Download an Excel College Budgeting Sheet
Follow SFA on Social Media @UFSFA for more Financial Wellness Tips:
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Protect Your Financial Information and Prevent Fraud
The Alan and Cathy Hitchcock Field & Fork Pantry is a free resource for all students, staff, and faculty at the University of Florida. provides extensive information about federal financial aid and loans, including tips for filing the FAFSA, definitions of financial aid terms, and managing your student loan repayment options.
Federal Student Aid Loan Repayment Calculator
Managing Your Budget – Learn how to keep track of your income and expenses, save for your goals, and adjust your budget as your life changes.
Understanding Student Financial Aid – Plan how to pay for college. Ask about state, college, and nonprofit grants and scholarships you can apply for. Be sure to meet application deadlines.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was established by Congress, and works to promote financial education and enforce consumer financial protection laws. The CFPB also provides a wealth of information for college students, including paying for college and repaying student loans. is sponsored by the Congressionally chartered Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission, which is made up of more than 20 Federal entities to help strengthen American’s financial capability and increase access to financial services. Among other topics, this website covers five major financial principles: earning, saving & investing, spending, protecting, and borrowing.
NerdWallet – NerdWallet makes it simple to find the best deals on credit cards, loans, insurance, mortgage rates and more.,, – These sites will help you find pay ranges for potential career choices and evaluate future job offers.
Internet Options for Low- and Fixed-Income Households – This guide covers low-cost and free internet options for households with low- or fixed-income and how to apply to government and non-government programs for affordable broadband.
SNAP Benefits and Other Assistance Programs
Note: The University of Florida is not responsible for the content on the external websites listed above, nor does UF endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these external websites.