Florida prepaid college plan
The Florida Prepaid College Plan is a program through which families prepay for their child’s education at a guaranteed fixed rate. It is guaranteed by the State of Florida. This program began in 1988 and is the largest Prepaid tuition plan in the country.
The Program
For information on the program and how to participate, please refer to the contact information below. In general, purchasers of Prepaid College contracts pay into the program by lump sum or monthly installment, and contract prices depend on the type of plan and student’s age or year in school. Three different tuition plans, optional dormitory plans, and optional local fee plans are available. Investments in the fund are guaranteed by the state.
The Program at the University of Florida (UF)
The State of Florida automatically notifies UF of all students participating in the plan.
- Students do not need to bring their Florida Prepaid cards to the University Bursar (UB) to verify participation. For participating Prepaid students, UB bills the Florida Prepaid Program for tuition amounts covered according to their Plan(s) and automatically credits their tuition accounts.
- Students who have not purchased a “Local Fee” plan must pay the local portion of tuition (Activity and Service, Athletic, Health, and Transportation fees) plus any material and supply fee before the fee payment deadline to avoid a $100 late payment fee. The day after drop/add ends, students may go to ONE.UF and click on “University Bursar” and then “Account Summary” to find out the exact amount of their local portion of tuition debt.
- Students who do not want the Florida Prepaid College Plan billed, OR who drop or add a class after the drop/add deadline, should contact the University Bursar’s Scholarship Department in S-113 Criser Hall before the fee payment deadline.
Who to Contact for Information
For complete information about the program and how to participate, visit the Florida Prepaid College Plan website at www.myfloridaprepaid.com. At this site, visitors can log in to their account, chat with a live representative, or call customer service.