Manage and Monitor Student Loans is a free resource for students to manage and monitor federal and private student loans. Take control of your student loans and improve your financial knowledge with your FREE iontuition account.

Visit for more information and to sign up. provides UF students with free access to a simple interface that allows students to track and manager all of their Federal and Private student loans. The user experience remains consistent between PC, smartphone, and tablet.

Through intuition, UF students get access to:

  • Refreshable Dashboard – see your loan status, balance, payment amount, due dates, daily interest accrual information, and your lender or servicer contacts
  • Student Loan Forecasting and Repayment Planning
  • Ability to delegate family access to up to 5 family members to join or have access to an existing account
  • Budget Planning
  • Loan Status Updates
  • Financial Literacy Information
  • Entrance Counseling Modules
  • Student Loan Counselors on Demand
  • Free Monthly Credit Scores
  • Bill Payment Reminders
  • Bank-level Security



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