Tuition & Fee Deferment

Tuition and fees are due by the University’s published payment deadline, normally the end of the second week of classes. However, qualifying students are able to postpone payment until the deferred fee payment deadline. The assumption with students receiving a deferment is that tuition and fees will be paid once the student’s financial aid disburses.

Tuition and fee deferment is handled jointly by SFA and the University Bursar.

Deferred tuition and fee payment deadlines are available.

Students receiving the following aid will qualify for tuition and fee deferment status:

  • Federal awards (including accepted Perkins and Direct Loans, and predicted Pell Grants)
  • State awards (including Florida Bright Futures)
  • Institutional awards
  • College awards

Students receiving only the following aid will not qualify for deferment status:

  • Custodial private scholarships
  • Private loans
  • Non-accepted Perkins and Direct Loans

Note: students awarded federal loans must accept those loans before the regular tuition and fee payment deadline in order to qualify for deferment.

To see if your fees have been deferred, use myUFL, or check with your financial aid advisor. Students who do not receive a deferment and think they may be eligible for one should check with SFA prior to the payment deadline.

Students whose fees are deferred against financial aid must pay fees by the deferred fee payment deadline, whether or not their aid has arrived.


Questions about deferments for UF housing should be addressed to the UF Department of Housing and Residence Education, (352) 392-2161. To qualify, students must be receiving $4,900 in verifiable financial aid for the term.