Waechter Medical-Legal Scholarship

NOT College Awarded Aid
Not Need-based

$1,000 to a student of a LEGAL college, university or program; AND
$1,000 to a student of a MEDICAL college, university or program.
GPA Requirement: None
Application Requirements: Only 150 words
Criteria: Creativity in the essay and application
Open to any students of any kind of legal or medical college, university or program.
Who’s more creative? Law students or medical students? Nursing students or future chiropractors? These scholarships test which students are the more original problem solvers.
The Idea: Sponsor Jason Waechter loves both the medical profession and the legal profession. He believes the best of each field have something in common—they solve problems in creative and original ways. These scholarships embrace this idea.
For application & details: www.birthlaw.com

