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ValueGamers 2018-2019 Gaming Scholarship

ValueGamers is giving away $750 toward your next school year. We are looking for an ambitious student who loves gaming and can explain that love to us. We want applicants to describe how gaming permeates through all aspects of their life. The applicant with what we deem to be the best answer will be rewarded the $750 scholarship.

What You Need to Write

1) What’s Your Favorite Game and Why Should It be Everyone’s Favorite?

Every gamer has that one game that never escapes them long after they’ve beaten the final boss. In 250 words or less, we want to know what that game is and why. What was it about this particular game that had such a profound impact on it. Is it the difficulty, the imagery, the gameplay, let us know!

2) The Most Important Lesson You’ve Learned from a Video Game

Video games immerse us in an interactive story. In addition to providing hours of fun, some of theses stories end up imparting us with great wisdom. Whether it was learning teamwork in Nazi Zombies, the importance of environmental protection in Metroid Prime, or piety from God of War, we want to know in 250 words or less. 

3) If You Can Create a Video Game…

In 250 words or less, we want you to give us an elevator pitch on a video game you would develop given a massive budget and unlimited developers. Is it a shooter, a MMORPG, an epic sci-fi adventure? Walk us through it in only a few words!

How to Enter:

Entry is very simple. Consult the following instructions to ensure your applications gets in front of our rater’s eye’s and we can consider you for our prize.

  • Answer the 3 questions above in one document. The document may be in  .doc. .docx or .pdf format
  • Make sure your document has your 1) full name 2) college 3) your current year 4) current date
  • You must send your answers to scholarship@valuegamers.com
  • In your email please make the subject: YOURFULLNAME+YOURCOLLEGENAME
  • Please attach a proof of your admission at your current university in the email
  • We will accept applications until December 15th 2018 and will announce a winner by January 7th 2019 and reward the scholarship for the 1st semester of 2019

Rules for Entry

  • Our scholarship is free for all college and graduate students within the United States
  • You must attend full or part time, a two or four-year accredited university or graduate school 
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • We will require a proof of admission to your current

For more information, visit https://valuegamers.com/scholarship/2018-scholarshiphttps://valuegamers.com/scholarship/2018-scholarship.
