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Baron and Budd Attorneys Mesothelioma Cancer Victims Memorial Scholarship

How to apply

1 Write your essay or record your video

The essay must be between 800-1,250 words. Videos should be at between 2 and 3 minutes.

2 Fill out the online application

Submit your essay or provide a link to your YouTube video. Please also submit a photo.

3 Provide proof of enrollment

Finalists will be required to provide proof of enrollment for scholarship consideration and disbursement to the winner.

Rules and Requirements

An estimated 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer every year in the US and its impact is felt for a lifetime by tens of thousands more people who are dear to them. Baron and Budd mesothelioma attorneys have been dedicated to fighting for the rights of mesothelioma cancer victims and their loved ones for over four decades and have established these scholarships to honor their legacy.


Each entry must meet the following eligibility requirements to be considered for the scholarship:

  • Open to entering freshman only, any major field of study, or undecided major
  • Must be entering a US-based four-year university or college or a two-year college
  • Must provide two letters of recommendation
  • You may submit either a written essay or video
    • Written essay must be between 800-1,250 words
    • Video essay must be a 2-3 minute YouTube video
      • Youtube videos must link back to https://www.baronandbudd.com/mesothelioma-lawyers/scholarships/
  • Must be accepted into a university or college, as scholarship funds will be dispersed directly to your school
  • Cannot be an employee or family member of an employee of Baron and Budd
  • Deadline for submissions is Monday, July 16, 2019
  • Scholarship winners will be chosen on Wednesday, August 15, 2019

Essay and Video Topics

How has cancer impacted your life? It can be any kind of cancer.

Mesothelioma cancers, as well as other terminal cancers, have an impact well beyond the victim alone. How has a type of cancer of your loved one impacted your life? How did it impact you while you or your loved one was fighting their illness? What hardships did you or your family experience? How will this scholarship help you to reach your academic goals?

For more information, visit https://baronandbudd.com/mesothelioma-lawyer/scholarships/https://baronandbudd.com/mesothelioma-lawyer/scholarships/.
