Category: Non-UF Scholarships

The SecureCare65 Scholarship

At SecureCare65, our goal is to provide seniors currently on, or approaching Medicare with the educational materials  and guidance that they’ll need to make well informed, educated decisions regarding the selection of their Medicare insurance coverage. We are offering a scholarship to one undergraduate student who can best express in words, their thoughts regarding the planning for the future of their loved ones, in an engaging written piece.

Who is Eligible?

  • All applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, as a full-time student at an accredited college or university for the semester they are applying to receive the scholarship.
  • Applicants are not required to have a minimum GPA.
  • Domestic, international, and undocumented students may apply.

Required Application Details

  • Please write a 1,000 word essay answering the following questions:
    • While navigating the world of becoming an adult, how will you also care for your parents and loved ones?
    • Do you believe that the topic of preparing for the future of family members is a concern for other students?
    • Why is planning for the future for yourself in addition to your parents and family members so important?
    • How do you believe your education will enable you to take better care of your parents and loved ones?
  • Please provide proof of enrollment in an accredited college or university. A transcript, tuition receipt, or acceptance letter will be accepted.
  • Please submit the scholarship form below.

How To Apply

Please complete the form with the following information to apply: SecureCare65 Scholarship

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • College or University Name
  • College or University Mailing Address
  • Proof of Enrollment – Transcripts, tuition receipt, or acceptance letter will be accepted. Please submit as .jpeg, .pdf, or .doc
  • Essay answering above questions.  Please submit as .pdf or .doc
  • Confirmation and acceptance of terms and conditions



Non-UF Scholarships

The SunTec Auto Glass Yearly Scholarship Award of $1500

NOT College Awarded Aid
Not Need-based

Please Visit the Auto Glass Scholarship Website for more information.

Are you a gifted student who understands the value of local business? SunTec Auto Glass is pleased to announce a brand new initiative aimed at supporting young academic minds across the country. Starting in 2019, we are now offering a yearly academic scholarship with a cash value of $1500 – awarded to the student who surpasses other contenders with this opportunity. This new yearly contribution is part of our commitment to give back and invest in the developing academic community; to help a talented, aspiring individual realize their potential impact on local businesses.

The Purpose of our Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is two-fold. First, it will help an ambitious student with academic potential to pursue their studies. Secondly, by investing in a person who demonstrates dedication to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), it could benefit local business sectors. We are a small, family-owned business that understands the important role of a thriving and developing local economy. We also know how crucial it is to invest in the next generation of talented minds so that our country remains at the forefront of innovation.


Who Can Apply for the Scholarship?

The SunTec Auto Glass Scholarship is open to any American student who meets the following criteria:

  • Currently a student of an accredited university, college or community college OR are a high school senior and you plan on attending an accredited university, college or community college the following semester after your graduation.
  • Has a grade point average (GPA) score of 2.5 or higher.
  • Can supply an essay of at least 1000 words by the application deadline of December 15, 2020.
  • Any student, no matter their degree choice or education sector, can apply – provided they meet the above requirements.

How to Apply for the Scholarship


To apply for this Scholarship, please write an essay of at least 1000 words on:

Why do you think it is important to support local small business?

You do not need to include references but, if you do, please make sure that these are properly sourced at the end of the essay.
You can submit your essay to

Please remember to include the following:

  • Your name and address.
  • Details of your school or college, including proof of enrollment.
  • Proof of your GPA.


Decisions will be made based on the writing quality of the essay and the unique value it could have on impacting local businesses. The deadline to submit the essay is by 5:00pm on December 15, 2020.

The awarded $1500 scholarship will be applied to the 2021 academic year semester. The 2020 winner of the SunTec Auto Glass scholarship will be announced no later than December 31, 2020. Funds will be sent, via cashiers check, to the academic institution where the winning applicant is or will be enrolled within 15 days of the award announcement.

The 2020 winner’s first name and last name initial will be updated on this page permanently and all future scholarship award winners. This serves for verification of our scholarship award being received and to commemorate the student for their achievement.






Graduate, Juris Doctorate, Professional, Undergraduate


Non-UF Scholarships

The Travel Office Local Adventures Scholarship

Who is Eligible?

  • All applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, as a full-time student at an accredited college or university for the semester they are applying to receive the scholarship.
  • Applicants are not required to have a minimum GPA.
  • Domestic, international, and undocumented students may apply.

Required Application Details

Please write a 1,000-1,500 word essay answering the following questions:

  • Since starting your studies, how have your explored your new environment?
  • If you are studying locally, how has your view of your city changed since starting college?
  • How can be engaged in a city’s conversation promote a sense of community?
  • How do you currently find entertainment local to you?

Please provide proof of enrollment in an accredited college or university. A transcript, tuition receipt, or acceptance letter will be accepted.
Please submit the scholarship using the form below.

How To Apply

Please complete the form with the following information to apply: Travel Office Local Adventures Scholarship

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • College or University Name
  • College or University Mailing Address
  • Proof of Enrollment – Transcripts, tuition receipt, or acceptance letter will be accepted. Please submit as .jpeg, .pdf, or .doc
  • Essay answering the above questions. (Please submit as .pdf or .doc)
  • Confirmation and acceptance of terms and conditions

For more information, visit



Non-UF Scholarships

The Uncommon Goods Fall Scholarship

NOT College Awarded Aid
Not Need-based

Please visit the Goods Scholarship Website to apply, and for more information.

We know it isn’t always easy when you’re just starting out in a creative field of study. So, we’re offering a scholarship to help hardworking student-artists out, because hey-you might be gracing our assortment with your work someday!

What are the scholarship details?

We choose one winner each fall  semester to receive $1,000 from Uncommon Goods to pay towards school fees.

Fall Application

  • The Fall application period starts on April 1st with a final deadline of July 15th.
  • $1000 will be awarded.

Winners will receive their funds on August 15th. Winners will hear from

Who can apply?

Required Application Details

We’re looking for undergraduate and graduate students who can display their unique use of creativity, art, or design within their major.

Please see the Application Submittal Form below where you will be able to enter your artist’s statement and upload 3 examples of your work.

Our Scholarship Committee will consider artwork across all mediums.

Please see our winners!

Scholarship Information & Terms

  • The winning candidate will be selected by a panel of judges from uncommon Goods.
  • The scholarship is non-renewable.
  • Questions about The uncommon Goods Spring 2020 Scholarship Scholarship can be directed to
  • The scholarship funds provided by uncommon goods will be sent via check to the college or university. Funds are to be applied to qualified college expenses (including tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board) for the current academic year.
  • Applicants are only eligible to receive the Uncommon Goods Scholarship once.
  • No applicants will be contacted for anything other than their scholarship and applicant details will not be used for any marketing purposes. uncommon goods and its representatives will not knowingly sell, share, rent or otherwise transfer your information.
  • Applicants will not be asked to provide any sensitive information for their application or to claim their award if they are to win the scholarship.
  • There is no fee to apply to this scholarship or for the winning applicant to claim their award.
  • Applicants retain all rights to their submitted work






Graduate, Undergraduate


Non-UF Scholarships

The Uncommon Goods Spring Scholarship

NOT College Awarded Aid
Not Need-based


We know it isn’t always easy when you’re just starting out in a creative field of study. So, we’re offering a scholarship to help hardworking student-artists out, because hey-you might be gracing our assortment with your work someday!

What are the scholarship details?

We choose one winner each spring semester to receive $1,000 from Uncommon Goods to pay towards school fees.

Spring Application

  • The Spring application period starts on September 1st with a final deadline of December 15th.
  • $1000 will be awarded.

Winners will receive their funds on  January 15th. Winners will hear from

Who can apply?

Required Application Details

We’re looking for undergraduate and graduate students who can display their unique use of creativity, art, or design within their major.

Please see the Application Submittal Form below where you will be able to enter your artist’s statement and upload 3 examples of your work.

Our Scholarship Committee will consider artwork across all mediums.

Please see our winners!

Scholarship Information & Terms

  • The winning candidate will be selected by a panel of judges from uncommon Goods.
  • The scholarship is non-renewable.
  • Questions about The uncommon Goods Spring 2020 Scholarship Scholarship can be directed to
  • The scholarship funds provided by uncommon goods will be sent via check to the college or university. Funds are to be applied to qualified college expenses (including tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board) for the current academic year.
  • Applicants are only eligible to receive the Uncommon Goods Scholarship once.
  • No applicants will be contacted for anything other than their scholarship and applicant details will not be used for any marketing purposes. uncommon goods and its representatives will not knowingly sell, share, rent or otherwise transfer your information.
  • Applicants will not be asked to provide any sensitive information for their application or to claim their award if they are to win the scholarship.
  • There is no fee to apply to this scholarship or for the winning applicant to claim their award.
  • Applicants retain all rights to their submitted work






Graduate, Undergraduate


Non-UF Scholarships

The Union Plus Scholarship Program

NOT College Awarded Aid
Not Need-based

The Union Plus Scholarship Program

Since 1991, the Union Plus Scholarship Program has awarded more than $4.3 million to students of working families who want to begin or continue their post-secondary education.

Over 2,900 families have benefited from our commitment to higher education. The Union Plus Scholarship Program is offered through the Union Plus Education Foundation, supported in part by contributions from the provider of the Plus Credit Card. (You do not need to be a Union Plus Credit Card holder to apply for this scholarship.) See eligibility in the tab below.

The Facts


Current and retired members of participating unions, their spouses and their dependent children (as defined by IRS regulations). At least one year of continuous union membership by the applicant, applicant’s spouse or parent (if applicant is a dependent). The one year membership minimum must be satisfied by May 31, 2019.  See more details on eligibility in the tab below.

Evaluation Criteria

This is a competitive scholarship. Applicants are evaluated according to academic ability, social awareness, financial need and appreciation of labor. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is recommended. The required essays can account for up to half your total score. Scholarship applicants are judged by a committee of impartial post-secondary educators

Application Timeline

Applications are available starting in mid-June, and a complete application must be received on or before 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on January 31, 2019. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.

Scholarship Award Amounts

Amounts range from $500 to $4,000. These one-time cash awards are for study beginning in the Fall of 2019. Students may re-apply each year.






Non-UF Scholarships

Uplifting Others Scholarship

NOT College Awarded Aid
Not Need-based

“Giving goes a long way and sometimes something so small can have an impact that’s so big. I am very passionate about helping those around me no matter how small or big the deed. Spreading kindness, a helping hand, and being generous is beautiful! I am thrilled to announce my scholarship for students who have uplifted, encouraged, or inspired someone around them. I can’t wait to hear your generous and impactful stories and how your actions touched the hearts of others!”   -Trinity Thomas

We’re excited to announce that Trinity is partnering with Access Scholarships to help spread this message through a scholarship! 3 scholarships (each worth $1,000) will be awarded to students who reflect upon the ways in which they encourage, uplift, or inspire others.

High school, undergraduate, and graduate students of all years are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to apply, visit:






Graduate, Undergraduate


Non-UF Scholarships

ValueGamers 2018-2019 Gaming Scholarship

ValueGamers is giving away $750 toward your next school year. We are looking for an ambitious student who loves gaming and can explain that love to us. We want applicants to describe how gaming permeates through all aspects of their life. The applicant with what we deem to be the best answer will be rewarded the $750 scholarship.

What You Need to Write

1) What’s Your Favorite Game and Why Should It be Everyone’s Favorite?

Every gamer has that one game that never escapes them long after they’ve beaten the final boss. In 250 words or less, we want to know what that game is and why. What was it about this particular game that had such a profound impact on it. Is it the difficulty, the imagery, the gameplay, let us know!

2) The Most Important Lesson You’ve Learned from a Video Game

Video games immerse us in an interactive story. In addition to providing hours of fun, some of theses stories end up imparting us with great wisdom. Whether it was learning teamwork in Nazi Zombies, the importance of environmental protection in Metroid Prime, or piety from God of War, we want to know in 250 words or less. 

3) If You Can Create a Video Game…

In 250 words or less, we want you to give us an elevator pitch on a video game you would develop given a massive budget and unlimited developers. Is it a shooter, a MMORPG, an epic sci-fi adventure? Walk us through it in only a few words!

How to Enter:

Entry is very simple. Consult the following instructions to ensure your applications gets in front of our rater’s eye’s and we can consider you for our prize.

  • Answer the 3 questions above in one document. The document may be in  .doc. .docx or .pdf format
  • Make sure your document has your 1) full name 2) college 3) your current year 4) current date
  • You must send your answers to
  • In your email please make the subject: YOURFULLNAME+YOURCOLLEGENAME
  • Please attach a proof of your admission at your current university in the email
  • We will accept applications until December 15th 2018 and will announce a winner by January 7th 2019 and reward the scholarship for the 1st semester of 2019

Rules for Entry

  • Our scholarship is free for all college and graduate students within the United States
  • You must attend full or part time, a two or four-year accredited university or graduate school 
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • We will require a proof of admission to your current

For more information, visit



Non-UF Scholarships

Weiss & Paarz Annual Rising Star Scholarship

NOT College Awarded Aid

Students starting or continuing his/her undergraduate education anywhere in the United States of America

For more information visit: 2018 Weiss & Paarz Annual Rising Star Scholarship






Graduate, Undergraduate


Non-UF Scholarships

Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC Scholarship

Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC is a team of highly skilled and experienced DUI lawyers and criminal defense attorneys. We work hard to represents individuals throughout the surrounding areas charged with DUI, theft, fraud, traffic violations, drug crimes, and other criminal offenses. This amazing scholarship opportunity for the amount of $5,000 will help a deserving student to accomplish educational goals and prepare for future career aspirations.

If you have any questions regarding the status of your application or the scholarship in general, please email


In order to be eligible for the Worgul, Sarna & Ness, Criminal Defense Attorneys, LLC scholarship program, applicants must:

  • Be accepted to or currently enrolled in an accredited undergraduate college, university, or graduate school across the United States.
  • Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
  • Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Has demonstrated outstanding service to the community, high initiative to further their education, and a strong academic performance.


All applicants need to submit the following documents for consideration:

  • A high school, undergraduate, or graduate school transcript. An unofficial version is acceptable.
  • A letter of recommendation from a faculty or staff member.
  • An attached application form.
  • Essay – must be between 300-500 words on the following topic:

There have been many public service campaigns about the dangers of drinking and driving; however, people continue to make the unfortunate decision to drink and get behind the wheel. Write an essay about the reasons why people continue to drink and drive – and what initiatives could be executed to address those reasons.

Completed materials may be submitted by any of the following methods:



Non-UF Scholarships