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Yonkers Honda $1000 Student Driver Scholarship

Yonkers Honda is committed to supporting the continued education of America’s college students. For the https://www.yonkershonda.com/blog/family-car-college-scholarship-2018third year in a row, we are offering a $1,000 scholarship to a driven student dedicated to earning a college degree.

Whether you are currently enrolled in college already or headed there in 2019 or 2020, you are eligible to win a $1,000 scholarship to put toward your expenses. To enter, write a thoughtful 600 words or less submission in response to the prompt below. For inspiration, you can check out last year’s winner https://www.yonkershonda.com/blog/2019-safe-driving-scholarship-recipienthere.


Just like we all need someone to teach us how to drive, sometimes we need other people to teach us how to be the best versions of ourselves. In 600 words or less describe someone who has been a positive influence on your life and how they have inspired you.

How to Enter:

  • Answer the prompt above in 600 words or less.
  • The file name on your response to the prompt should be your full name and date of birth. (Example: John-Doe-12-20-1998.docx)
  • Email your response as a Word document to scholarships@yonkershonda.com. Use the subject line: 2020 Yonkers Honda Scholarship
  • Submissions must be received by midnight on February 4, 2020.

Here’s How You Win:

  • Send your response to scholarships@yonkershonda.com by midnight on February 4, 2020. Make sure to follow all of the instructions provided above.
  • We will select and notify a winner by February 18, 2020. (It’s subjective; we’re going to pick our favorite response.)
  • We will contact the winner to confirm a mailing address and send a $1,000 check.
  • The winner will be announced in a feature on our company blog.

To Be Eligible:

  • You must be a graduating senior in high school or a current freshman, sophomore, or junior in college.
  • You must be graduating high school or in college and between the ages of 16 and 22.
  • We reserve the right to verify the date of your high school graduation and/or college enrollment.
  • Any and all content may be used in future Yonkers Honda marketing

Good luck!

